Who's Really Losing The War?

 Who's Really Losing The War?

Little Girl at War

Contrary to popular belief, it's not hunger that kills, but satiety.

It's satiety that kills the humanity of humans, it's impenitence...

Can't get enough, always wants more.

By wanting more, goes off the rails.

What happens if one goes of the rails?

Becomes cruel to opressed.

Doesn't care if it's a baby, or a child... or sick... or old... or human.
The more cruel one gets, the more ungrateful one becomes.

What happens if one is ungrateful?

Water becomes fire, fire becomes water.

Yet, it was easy to live in peace but one couldn't manage.

Fulness one had was not enough, one always wanted more.
Yet, hunger always kept one alive.

Rather than to be content, one set aside the conscience. 

What happens if one sets aside his conscience?

One enters the point of no return...

Now, one sees no reality or wrong.

Only defends oneself.

As one defends, one becomes blind.

As one becomes blind, one is ingrate.

Now, one sees nothing, feels nothing, hears nothing...

What happens if one feels nothing?

It doesn't matter if one's a human, he lost his humanity anyway.

What would one gain after one lost reality...

What would one gain after one lost their purpose...

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  1. A balanced person can make realistic decisions
