Half Filled Glass

 Half Filled Glass


Half Filled Glass

The chaos around ended, everyone retreated to their own corner and could only be left alone with themselves. He still couldn't believe everything happened so fast. He had been waiting in front of the door for 15 minutes with the key in his hand and could not dare to enter. He still couldn't accept that she was gone.

 With courage, he opened the door and took his first step into the house. It was as if life was still going on inside. But a coldness blew into his heart. He swallowed and went inside. First he headed to the kitchen, where "Do Not Forget" was written on the refrigerator. A tear fell from his eye. How important were the things to be done for tomorrow at that moment? Because there was still tomorrow. Now it seemed so unimportant to make plans for tomorrow without knowing if you are alive in 2 minutes.

“People know”, "How do we know we won't die soon?" everyone says. Even though a person knows that he may die soon, he cannot accept that this is life. But it happened, the news of deaths that we always watched from afar as if they would happen to others, found us today,” he thought to himself.

Feeling that his throat was dry, he took a glass of water from the cupboard. He was about to go inside and drink the water when he saw the half-finished glass of water on the table. The wind that had just blown into his heart was now freezing inside. He left his water on the table without drinking it. Even the water in his glass was half finished. Seeing that water like that affected him so much that questions suddenly began to arise in his mind. "Am I ready to die right now? What I will do, my plans, what I will leave behind... No, no, I still have many goals that I want to achieve. What keeps me busy when even a glass of water is left unfinished? Death is very close and I don't have time to delay anymore. "My time is now", so whatever I don't want to leave behind, I have to do right now. The person I thought was closest to me is now gone, and I'm on my own. It turns out that people are always alone and don't understand when their loved ones are with them." He stood up. While he was filled with sadness, a strange hope also arose within him. He was filled with hope on one of the saddest days of his life. He decided to do whatever he had postponed until now. Before leaving the house, he looked at the photographs held on the side of the mirror and smiled. He now looked at his progress differently. “But it shouldn't have happened like this. "I wish it wasn't a sad event that motivated people."

"I don't have tomorrow, I only have this moment. So don't waste it, be happy, enjoy it, be good, don't regret it at the last moment..." He said to himself and left the house as if he wasn't the one who couldn't enter that house just now.

It really is, isn't it? People always postpone what they are going to do until they encounter an event that will bring them to their senses. Does it have to be death for a person to remember the truth? Or does something have to happen to him to recover? Life is short, every moment is precious. But one realizes its value when it is gone from one's hands.

However, what is one waiting for to become better?


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2 Yorumlar

  1. 💐💐👏🏻👏🏻

  2. May we be blessed to be close to the truth and give realistic reactions in every moment.
