If They Only Knew

If They Only Knew 

The Foalfoot was watching out the window. The day was over. It had completed her duty today too. In the morning, new leaves would continue to bloom and dazzle the eyes with their majesty. Really, it had so many leaves. It had settled into this corner of the hall. It did it well, wasn't that it’s purpose anyway? To both benefit and add beauty to the environment... It felt good, it was at peace. Foalfoot was happy with his creation and the task assigned to him. Because it knew what it was doing and why, it could do the same things every day without getting bored and it’s mind was very relaxed.

But people were not like plants. For example, it’s owner Katy was not like Foalfoot. Katy would sleep until noon, and when she woke up, she would not wake up immediately, and time would pass until she decided what to do. She would say "let me study some subject, the exam is coming up" but then the phone would ring and she could not stand it and would go to the place called. Every day was so uncertain. The beginning and end were not clear. She had no purpose. She wasn't happy. How could she be? Why should she get up in the morning? For example, what would she do today? Why would she do it?

Foalfoot kept saying, "I wish I could talk to Katy." But she had to find her purpose herself. Yes, people are not like us. It is up to them to decide which purpose to choose. Not being able to see and do anything made him sad. Foalfoot wanted very much to say, "Don't do this to yourself, Katy." They exchanged glances with Orchid, who was standing on the other side of the window, and were thinking the same thing. “If only they knew…”

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1 Yorumlar

  1. I wish there was a word containing hope and regret
