Is Geography Destiny?

 Is Geography Destiny? 

Man on Mountains

" If I was born in a different country... Everything would have been different!"

 "So you say... Tell me, where?"

"I mean, I don't know... Like USA or something..."

"So one of the most developed countries in the world. But did you know that most of the homeless people lived there? Of course it's not on the news... Beggars, people who live in their cars because they can't afford to pay their rent... They say that the health system is a big problem too. If there is a disease going around, good luck!.. Did you know that people died in Manhattan because of hunger!"

"No way! But those homeless people probably are unemployed... If I would go there I'd definitely get a job, work hard, make money and live a good life! I wouldn't mess with anybody!"

"Why don't you do that right here?"


Most of the time "somebody else"'s life, job, spouse or the country that they're from looks more appetizing.

"Somebody else" works less and gets paid more...

"Somebody else"s spouse supports them through thick and thin...

"Somebody else"s country, living conditions are at more advantage...

Is it? Really?

Is the person who lives with a view at more advantage than the person who lives in a shack?

When we only look at the results, we associate winning with "luck". We don't realize how hard that person worked to have what they have today. How many nights that they spent working or how many times they had to push themselves...

We don't realize that the person who is living in that mansion, can't come home due to work. We don't realize that the person who is living in a shack has a good time on their yard.

Yet, even if the conditions change,

you can only get rewarded from the amount of work you do.

Every effort a person makes determines the results a person will encounter.

Every result...

The person that they're going to marry,

The job that they're going to get,

The friendships that they will form,

The house that they will live in,

Depends on the effort that a person is willing to put.

But come and see...

Still, the grass is always greener on the other Side of the fence...

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1 Yorumlar

  1. Being thankful once for what is given, twice for what is not given
