Welcome 2024!

 Welcome 2024!

New Year Celebration 2024

Let's make a deal!

Here's what I wish from you for newyear:

Health, love and happiness!

It's not too much, you know, just the classics!

Or, wait a minute...

I feel like it's too selfish...

Let's add "World Peace" to the list too!

Or wait...

I feel like it's too insincere...

Let's think again;

'Cause I don't want to sleep full when people are hungry...

Let's look over our norms,

'Cause I don't want to lose my humanity!

2024 Explosion

Let's waive it all;

'Cause I don't want to stay blind to what's happening around the world!

While some people are trying to survive,

I can't be carefree...

While some people are losing their loved ones,

I can't live in love...

While some people are this sad,

I can't be happy...


All I want from 2024 is:

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