So You're Lonely In Life, Is That So?



Lonely Man

So you’re lonely in life, is that so?

You got no one that supports...

Is that so?


Every port you can lean on is closed.

Unable to reach to the people you can call...

And the ones you can reach are just useless...

Just as their presence doesn’t give any benefit,

Their so-called “support” calls for their personal gain.


So, I get that you’re lonely...

And it’s not your choice, is it?


You'd want someone to be there...

You’re right, yes, people do want...

When you can’t carry your burden,

Have someone to carry it for you...


But every wish of ‘if only they supported'…

Aren’t those people also in need of support?

I mean, that person...

What if they got ill or got in an accident...

Couldn’t inhale the breath that they exhaled?

The ones you trust, where do they get their power?

Who is the one supporting them, protecting them?

At the end of the day, aren’t they lonely too?

OK then, let’s start again;

Is it really to be lonely?

Or to be alone?

Which scares you really?


Are the two same?

Then, what’s the difference?

When you understand...


When every support you have disappears...

It always has been only Him with you...



Every single challenge in life;

Is also a nurturing experience.

And the One who nurtures you...

Never leaves you alone, at all times...

If that’s the case...


You can really be alone in life;

But you are not lonely...

Until you give up on Him...

“A person is lonely only when he forgets what shouldn’t be forgotten...

It's only Him who ends loneliness.

And only Him who can make you be happy with yourself...

Anybody could leave you

That’s not what’s important...

Being lonely.

Be alone, but never be lonely.

That’s what’s important... “


Yahya Hamurcu




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3 Yorumlar

  1. We all have a time in our lives where we feel so lonely... Such beautiful wording.

  2. 👍🏻👏🏻

  3. Praise be to the one who has mercy on us more than us
